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A response to my thread you rudely closed!

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This one:

Yes of course I have read the admin note mate. But he replied to one of my posts but not the other! He replied to tell me to come here, and ignored the thread where I need help.

Now, if I didn't get a reply on either, I wouldn't be posting.  I don't appreciate being fobbed off and being passed back and forth between this site, gvectors and mycred to try and find who is responsible for the problems with the plug ins!!!!

I have been using wpforo with lots of add ons for FIVE YEARS now!!!! I don't appreciate being treated like a fool. 

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And you know what, let me just add, banner at the top or not, the response time over at gvectors is always terrible mate. It doesn't matter what time of year it is.

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Hi @percysgrowroom,

I have reviewed the topic and can confirm there is no rudeness present. @robert has informed you about the potential delay in responses, and as both issues in that topic have been resolved, it was appropriately closed.

Posted by: @percysgrowroom

Now, if I didn't get a reply on either, I wouldn't be posting.  I don't appreciate being fobbed off and being passed back and forth between this site, gvectors and mycred to try and find who is responsible for the problems with the plug ins!!!!
I have been using wpForo with several add-ons for FIVE YEARS now!!!! I don't appreciate being treated like a fool.

I apologize if you feel mistreated. We always strive to keep support topics relevant to their respective forums. Therefore, we sometimes request that discussions be moved to the appropriate support forum. This ensures information is organized correctly and allows our specialized staff to provide targeted support. I've checked and found that your recent two topics were responded to within 1–2 days. Please note that our team is currently on holiday, and this response time is considered reasonable.

Sometimes, your question may not be directly related to wpForo. In such cases, we advise you to open a support topic in the forum of the plugin causing the issue. For instance, your last issue originated from the MyCRED plugin, which is beyond the scope of support provided in either the wpForo or gVectors forums.

We appreciate your understanding and are here to assist you further.

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Posted by: @martin

there is no rudeness present.

I would disagree, to close my thread without me even having a reply to what was said to me, is rude. Its like cutting someone off in the conversation and removing their ability to say anything back. 

Posted by: @martin

Therefore, we sometimes request that discussions be moved to the appropriate support forum.

This is incredibly inefficient and frustrating to the users of wpforo IMO. Gvectors have very bad support. All year round, not just over Christmas. We shouldn't have to go between many different website to find an issue that is related with our forums! 

The forums we run is on Wpforo software, and if there are issues, we should be able to come here for help and not keep getting passed from one website ot the other until we get help. As i said it is inefficient and frustrating. 

Posted by: @martin

Please note that our team is currently on holiday

Well, the rest of the internet was back to work last week mate, so if you dont mind.... want to hurry up and get back to work like the rest of us? I am not trying to be rude, but really mate, your whole team took 2 weeks off?? What other website is doing that? There should always be someone available to answer questions when needed. 

Posted by: @martin

your last issue originated from the MyCRED plugin, which is beyond the scope of support provided in either the wpForo or gVectors forums.

Beyond our scope??? Its a piece of software that runs with YOUR forum software!! Do you not think you should have some idea of how it works??? 


You all cant keep doing this! If there is a problem with anything to do with WPforo, people should be able to come here and fix it. They shouldn't have to go to many different sites to find who is responsible, and then wait for ages for a response. 

I hate to complain like this man, but it is becoming a joke now. I like wpforo, and the software, but it comes with so many problems! I feel as if, if I could go back five years knowing how much of a pain it would be sometimes to run this software, I would have looked elsewhere. All the time it seems as if its one bug or another causing problems. Then it is a mission to try and find out what the problem is, what plug in is causing it, then finding out who to go to get some help, then waiting round for days to get that help. 

Anyway, this is already too long so I will summarise. Things are not good here, what is going on with Wpforo? It seems as if you guys don't care anymore! The most important thing you can do for any customer focussed business is make your customers feel like they are valued, and you are always working hard to bring them the best service possible. I don't get that vibe here any more. 

All I want is for the mycred plug in, along with the integration plug in, to work for once, in my whole history of using it! But even after all this time I cant get the help I need and always end up forgetting about it and moving onto something else because finding the help I need is near impossible. 

Something has to be done about this stupidness of go here, go there do this do that. It isn't good enough! Stop messing us all around and merge the sites together ffs. Are these plug ins made for Wpforo??? Well add proper support on the wpforo website than and stop forcing us to use companies and websites that are below standard. 

Lock the thread if you want to now, I dont have much more else ot say then this. But Please, sort your s**t out man, things are going down hill fast here and none of us want to see that! 
