We have a team to moderate the comments, how can they be auntenticated front and center and how can everyone receive email notifications of new comments and be enabled to respond?
Another problem : It is Allow guests to comment : YES
but i can see : Connect with + social Icon... How can I display them? Can guset enable and social icon login co-exist?
Another problem: I have enabled "inline feedback" the new function, which appears in the editing bar, but when I try to insert feedback in the text, the icon does not appear but : [wpdiscuz-feedback id="uwsqeqeutk" question="Any question?" opened="0"]
Can someone please help me? I'm a bit demoralised.
one last thing, when I enable guest mode, is there any way to get some information about the commenter in the back and forth? ex machine ip or something else?
Hi @magonmichele,
You're in the wrong support forum. This is the support forum of the wpForo forum plugin. All questions related to wpDiscuz comment plugin should be asked in wpDiscuz Support forum: https://wpdiscuz.com/community/