Hey guys!
Thank you for a great plugin! How do I change the above mentioned destination? I want my users to be redirected to a custom made you have been logged out page.
With best regards,
I the target page is a forum page you can change the menu to the target page and add /?wpforo=logout after URL. For example:
https://wpforo.com/community/members /?wpforo=logout
If the target page is not a forum page you should change it in core. but it's not a update safe way:
Find this line in /wpforo/wpforo.php file:
wp_redirect( wpforo_home_url( preg_replace('#\?.*$#is', '', wpforo_get_request_uri()) ) );
Change to this:
wp_redirect( wpforo_home_url( preg_replace('#\?.*$#is', '', 'http://example.com/target-page/') ) );
Hi Robert and thank you!
Maybe in the future you can add a feature in where the user can choose where to redirect the logout?
Thank you bba01, we'll take this under consideration.
I really would like this feuture as well. been playing out with different scripts for a day now and it just mess upp login/logout process. Know you got a lot of requests of features but this one would be quite easy to fix? (me just guessing actually) since you have the solution above.