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[Closed] Email Replies to Topics

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 First of all, I'm loving WP Foro! Very nicely done!

I was wondering if you guys are planning on adding email replies to topics. When a (subscribed) user received notification of a reply to the topic s/he's subscribed to, it would be great if that user can simply hit reply and send an email as a response to the topic. I'm not sure how difficult this is to implement, but it would be an amazing feature.

I couldn't find any plugins to help implement this, but please let me know if there's a way to achieve this.

Hope you guys keep it up for a long time!



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I think this is already available in newest version.

When someone reply to a topic i'm subscribed i get an email of that reply same thing if i'm subscribed to forum i get new topic email.

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Thanks for the reply, iTesla.

I believe you're talking about email notifications for replies. That already works for me perfectly. I think it uses the single email address you enter in the settings to send email notifications, they do not come from the user's email (whoever wrote the reply,) which is fine.

What I was suggesting was implementing email replies that go directly under the topic. For example, when I received an email notification of your reply, it would be great if I could just hit reply in my email and my response appeared right here under this topic. Some forums have this utility. A unique udentifier must be added to the email address for each reply, so when I hit reply in my email, my reply would come directly to this topic thanks to that identifier. I don't have enough experience, though, so I'm unable to tell if this would be easy to implement.

Does this make sense? I finding it difficult to explain it well enough.

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Hi aslan,

Thank you for this suggestion. We'll discuss and think about this in near future. I'll update this topic once I god some news for you.

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Any progress on this possible added feature? I am trying to move our group forum from Yahoo to WP Foro and one of the complaints I heard is that they like being able to reply from their email back to the topic without logging into the forum page.

Thanks for your consideration.


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Sounds great. Thanks, Robert!

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