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[Solved] Feature request - Member Activity sub tab on Ultimate Member profile

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I have wpForo along with a few of your paid plugins on my site.  I'm using Ultimate Member for my member system.  To keep the continuity of my site consistent, I've opted to use the "Replace Forum Profile with Ultimate Member Profile" feature in wpForo.  


I'm stoked that there is a forum tab in the UM profile, but its missing all the member stats from wpForo's Member Activity area on the default profile.  


Would it be possible to add a Statistics or Member Activity sub tab that shows Forum Posts, Topics, Blog Posts, Received Likes, and so fourth, like the default profile?  


You guys are doing an awesome job by the way.  

Thank you, 


4 Replies
Posts: 4585
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Hi @chrisr,

We'll discuss this with our team and may implicate in future updates. 

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Posts: 6



Awesome! Thank you very much!




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Joined: 7 years ago
Posted by: @chrisr

Would it be possible to add a Statistics or Member Activity sub tab that shows Forum Posts, Topics, Blog Posts, Received Likes, and so fourth, like the default profile?  

Agreed, this would be amazing. 🙂

Posts: 3649
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Joined: 3 years ago


We have added it to our to-do list, but the priority is low for this, so we can't give an ETA.