An other thing you could try (as much as i hate it) is W3TC plugin. Using Page Caching and Database Caching. No Object caching.
While i do not like that plugin, you could try it in a test server. Page caching excluded for wpForo, still Database caching works right.
You must know what you are doing with W3TC, it is easy to make things worst. Very complicated.
Ok, so forum is fast again, but having to use all three plug ins to get it right lol
There is a problem though, if i click on my logo, to go back to the home screen ( Not the home in the menu, as thats the forum) it shows me as logged out......
But then click home in the menu to head back to the forum and im logged in. Cant figure out whats causing it
This is not a good practice, two caching plugins together.
<!-- Page generated by LiteSpeed Cache on 2019-09-06 02:22:55 -->
<!-- WP Fastest Cache file was created in 1.3195300102234 seconds, on 06-09-19 2:22:56 -->
I know mate, but without them all working together, the site isn't fast enough.
If i removed one of them, its stops something that needs to be optimized. What should I do? Any suggestions?
Early, typing is bad there....
I've removed Wp Fastest Cache again, and Auto Optimize, i'll try and get the setting dialed in right for this litespeed cache
Is there not a guide on here somewhere on the ideal setting for such a plug in?
Some buttons on here break the functionality of the site, for example:
Is JS combine is on, the reply to a thread box doesn't display properly.
If i turn on the "load JS Deffered" Everytime you move to a new page on my site, a green screen pops up before the page loads.