- Reduce your plugins
Done some of this, will do more, this is working
- Optimize or reduce size of your website images
I thought this was done automatically by shortpixel, but it isnt, and i have 25k images to optmise lol, but this is being done too
- Install Autoptimize to optimize your website script
What settings would you recommend for autoptmise if you dont mind me asking?
- Uninstall yoast because this plugin is heavy and not needed when using wpforo
Will this effect my SEO in the front end of my site?
- Optimize your database
Being done tomorrow 🙂
- Change your theme to generatepress
Looking into a lighter theme and these seem like a great option. Used a page builder fo some pages, so i have to delete that and fix those pages too, mission, but again, im working on it
- Only using one layout for wpforo, in my experience threaded layout is fastest
I dont mind sacrificing a bit of speed for a nice look 😉
- Reduce "Post Preview and Draft Saving" auto drafting interval= 1 minute, max number of revision= 3
I have this disabled fully
- Deactivate statistic on wpforo
What is that?
- Deactivate custom avatar, using gravatar only
Again, my users prefer their own avatars so have to sacrifice some speed here
- Disable socialmedia sharing features
I dont think i have these enabled
All coming on nicely though, thanks for everyones help here. I hope everything is up to speed within a few days.
Some advice on the correct setting for autoptmise would be great if some one knows that info?
thanks man, great advice.
I have tried all the plug in, and seem th think lightspeed cache works well, so far any way, this allowed me to move all of the databases to innoDB easily.
Page builder is something i am going to get rid of, but i have to redesign the pages it would effect first.
Im setting up cloudflare now 🙂 ill let you know how that goes