I join wp Foro translation into Polish.
I wish you all a Happy New Year 2017
Thank you very much bodzio!
We'll add this in wpForo language directory.
Witam, proszę o pomoc w instalacji polskiego tłumaczenia. Nie można tego zrobić z pozycji ustawień, bo nie dotyczy to plików PO/MO tylko z pozycji kokpitu. Niestety nie mam pojęcia gdzie w ustawieniach wgrać ten plik z tłumaczeniem...
wpForo has already Polish translation files. You just need to change Wordpress language to Polish in Dashboard > Settings > Antispam admin page. After this wpForo will be translated automatically.
What should I do with this files ? I am not able to change the language.
Only some part of wpforo is in Polish, rest in english.
What should I do with this files ? I am not able to change the language.
Only some part of wpforo is in Polish, rest in english.
Nothing, it's already in your wpForo installation. Just change to WordPress language to Polish (Dashboard > Settings ) and this files will work automatically.