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[Closed] Questions and suggestions

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Hi everyone,

I came here a while ago and was thinking about using wpForo on my technology platform. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted to, so ended up abandoning it. 

Having seen the recent developments here, I thought I'd try it again, and came up with this

I have made some fairly extensive changes using templates, so this is a bit of a departure from the classic layout, but it does fit my existing theme well. However, I did notice that the breadcrumbs and social sharing is going to be a challenge in the sense that everything seems to be generated from the one single page rather than the typical wordpress architecture.

Will this be changing in the future to allow other plugins and custom code to integrate ? This plugin has a lot of potential, but is unfortunately not quite there yet because of the issues above .

I'd like to thank the wpForo team for their hard work so far in creating a great forum plugin. If anyone fancies my layout for themselves or their own site, let me know and I'll share the templates plus css. 

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Thank you anonymous3542,

I'm sorry but i didn't follow you what is the problem.

All WordPress plugins has one root page. Plugins are not the WordPress itself to have multiple URL structure. wpForo root is the page which contains [wpforo] shortcode, and the root slug/path is the /community/ by default. For example the bbPress uses /forums/ root. Other plugins use /question/ and so one. So this is the only working and correct logic of all WordPress plugins to have a plugin specific Permalinks.

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Posts: 393

Hi Robert,

Sorry. I probably didn't explain that very well. Essentially, my main issue is with the full URL not being used when sharing a page - so in reality, only the shortcode page is shared, and wordpress breadcrumbs do not work as expected because of the same reason. 

Does this make sense ?


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All pages based on shortcodea are just screenshots of the main forum page. The main forum page will always be the root forum page. If you click on any link of the shortcode page it'll go to the main forum page. Shortcode forum pages are not separate forums. There is no way to have more then one forum pages on one WP installation. Forum page is always the one, but you can create many shortcode forum pages only for displaying certain list of forums and topics. just for displaying a list, not for processing the forum part in this page.

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Thanks Robert,

Is there a feature on the roadmap to enable full URL sharing in the future ? I recall reading something about this in another post. 

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I'm sorry but this can't be added in future. wpForo will always process one forum per WordPress. We can't create two different forums in one WordPress installation. If you need one root forum, the best way is changing the root page, not using shortcode pages. To change the root forum page you can customize wpForo template files based on this doc:

You should find some developer to do this job in case you're not familiar with PHP and HTML.

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Thanks Robert, 

However, I think we are at cross purposes here. What I'm referring to is a nested URL - for example and then attempt to use a sharing plugin, I only get the main forum URL - in this case /community for example rather than the full URL. 

I'm also a developer. If you look at the actual posts inside the forum URL I provided, you'll see I've already extensively modified the classic theme to my tastes. I guess my main issue is the lack of CPT to enable social plugins to pick up the full URL. 

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wpForo doesn't use CPT. The social sharing buttons are already in our to-do list. We'll make it available as soon as possible.

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Posts: 393

Understood. Thanks