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[Closed] Saving replies is slow

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Hi, I am more than less happy with the overall speed of forum-startpage on GTMetrix (99 / 75, Fully load 7,0 (draws definitive much earlier) by 754 KB page size and 34 requests. The single pages are ok as well.

So far, so good. Nearly all other plugins are deloaded on forum-page, using Asset CleanUp Pro.

What makes a problem is, that replying to another post could need up to ten seconds, what is driving users nuts. Who could offer information how to speed this part up?

Thanks, Bernd

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Is that your site "*a*" ?

If so, you optimize with wp rocket plugin and that is not appropriate for wpForo. That could be the problem. I say could be since a query or other debuging wordpress plugin could exactly tell you what and why it happens.

If you use the rocket plugin with wpForo i also highly doubt your forums are fully dynamic.

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@anonymous20Thanks. Yes, right site, and we are working with WP Rocket, are quite happy with it so far. What do you recommend instead?



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Have you checked PHP and Database errors in Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Debug admin page. There are two sub-tabs "Errors & Issues" and "Tables", you should check those.


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@robert Thanks for caring, Robert. "Errors" looks peaceful ("No issues found"), but "Table" shows ...

Table: wpr5_wpforo_posts
Missing keys:  forumid_answer_first
Table: wpr5_wpforo_likes
Missing keys:  post_userid
"Solve the database problems" delivers: "No Problems Found in Database", the error message is gone
Trying to post a test-reply delivers then "Sorry, something is wrong with your data".
Going back to the post delivers the post without possibility to reply, refreshing the page does not change this. The other posts don't show the "post a reply"-field any longer, too. 
Logging out and in solves this problem, also taking another user. New replies are saved properly now. The debug-section does not report any negative stuff right now.
But to my feeling it seems to need even longer to save a reply now then before. I will try next without the caching tool, to see if we can get to the bottom of this. 
Thanks so far, Bernd
 Btw: Do you use a caching tool for this forum? The reply was saved in a second or less, compared to ours.


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Posted by: @berndg
Trying to post a test-reply delivers then "Sorry, something is wrong with your data".
Going back to the post delivers the post without possibility to reply, refreshing the page does not change this. The other posts don't show the "post a reply"-field any longer, too. 
Logging out and in solves this problem, also taking another user. New replies are saved properly now. The debug-section does not report any negative stuff right now.
But to my feeling it seems to need even longer to save a reply now then before. I will try next without the caching tool, to see if we can get to the bottom of this. 


Doing those tests with caching enabled is wrong. Just disable the plugin until (at least) fixing your problems. Also any caching shall NOT cache Logged in users. Not wise.


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@robert@anonymous20 So, test is finished, and the result is clear: Without WP Rocket saving a reply happens in a second or less.

But unfortunately GT Metrix shows now for the forum-startpage: 72 / 67, fully load 7,5 sec, total page size 2,72 MB and 356 requests. Pageinsight rates the page with 40%

With WP Rocket GT Metrix shows for the same page: 97 / 75, fully load 5,1 sec, total page size 754 KB and 35 requests. Pageinsight rates the page now with 78%

The differences are not really small, I'm in a quandary now ... fast replies and a slow site with bad SEO, or vice versa.

Does anyone have an idea?


Yours, Bernd



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You just can't have 356 requests. Something else is wrong. Tops you could have around 150 or less.

Also check your site with this:

and let us know the results.

But since you found the cause of the delay in posting, that is a good step.


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@anonymous20 My thought, don't know where so many requests should come from normally, but ... GT Metrix shows a loooong lists of all the emoticons (I installed the addon). So, I guess, those are responsible (see the attached pdf-file) for at least the half of the requests.

WebPageTest delivers, as mostly, a too long First Bite Time (we tested this many times together with the hosting company, I work together with them since the mid-nineties without since the mid-nineties and they make a really good support), and of course the requests. The rest seems to bi more ore less identical, sime times, 2,7 MB etc.

BTW: Deactivating WP Rocket only on forums page does not help, on the contrary, the saving time increased almost to 25 seconds - while the main page felt like it was built up as fast as like before.

Thanks for your time, it's late in Europe. I'll do some tests tomorrow without WP Rocket and I will report about it.





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So, I did some tests, the results in brief:

- there seems to be no way to make WPForo work together with WP Rocket. 

- the heavy load of 356 requests and 2,7 MB without WP Rocket disappears, when I deactivate the WP Foro addon "Emoticons"

You'll find details in the enclosed table. I deactivated and reactivated caching for WPForo by WP Rocket, the addon and the classic editor (who spreads a lot .js bei the enclosed TinyMCE). Without WP Foro, the time for saving was as short as in this forum. 

Sideeffect: The Woocommerce checkout is dramatically faster now.

I adjusted a little bit with Asset CleanUp Pro (minifying / putting together js and CSS), the site is now running without WP Rocket a little bit more lazy in the tests, but there still is potential to optimize. It's a little bit sad not to use the emoticons, but maybe Robert has a hint on this later, he already started to take care in background. 

Asset CleanUp Pro, which offers some caching possibilities but less than WP Rocket, seems to be compatible with WP Foro. It delivers the best speed for the initial problem in this thread, the slow saving for a post reply.

Thanks again for supporting me - any additional hints will be welcome.



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At first you must find what plugin makes that 365 requests because those are way too much.

Also please note the following:

Caching doesn't reduce the http requests. It is the Optimization that does that (compress, join js and css, etc etc).

Caching and Optimization are two different things. Some caching combine them.

So you can disable caching (for wpForo pages) and install an optimizer plugin, like fastvelocity.

But optimizing of a site should happen as the LAST STEP in a loaded and stable site. Not in early stages.

Anyway, that is all i can offer.

Good luck.


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@anonymous20 As I wrote: It's the addon "Emoticons" for WPForo in my case.

Thanks, Bernd


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@berndg I'm only saying that it is not possible your wpForo is fully dynamic with ANY caching and especially the one you use, since we have tones of reports here about it.

For example, the bottom statistics work? I bet they do not. Also the "who visited and viewed the topic" works? I bet it doesn't. And other places also that i do not remember.

And i do not suggest anything as alternative. Some semi-work (WP Super Cache for example), some not at all (like LiteCache). They make wpForo static and possibly create other problems (i haven't seen any, still who knows).


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@anonymous20 So, I could try to exclude them from caching. Did this once, but the forum-startpage was definitely much slower then with caching. But should then eliminate the issues, or not?


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@berndg What you do or not do, it is up to you. I'm just stating the facts.

Your wpForo page(s) are faster for two reasons:

1. Caching creates a static page (html) and (almost) no php or db calls are executed. So it is faster of cource.

2. Your hosting and db is slow. So caching makes it faster.

But when something like a new user/post/topic/reply happens, while wpForo makes an effort to "inform" Wordpress about it, the caching  plugins do not "get it" or do not "get it right". So the next visitor is served with an old/outdated page/post/topic.

I hope this is clear.

wpForo has some internal caching but not for creating static html pages for topics.  

If you insist to use caching plugins with wpForo, consider a short TLL. Short meaning .... like minutes.

About the optimizations you may use (combine, compress js and css) use F12 to be sure there are no errors. 99% of the cases here have JS and other errors on their pages and have no idea about it (and from what i have seen they do not care to fix them, they rave about SEO mostly).

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@anonymous20 Thanks again. I posted the results of some speedtests without and with caching tool above. A static startpage for the forum would be enough for me, but because of the shortcode inserted in one page there is no chance for differentiation. Either all or none in the cache.


I will do some experiments the next days ...


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And since you did have some db errors with wpForo, please enable Wordpress debug to a log and check for errors.


Also what PHP you use and what version of mysql?

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@anonymous20 Thanks, I enabled it. PHP is 7.0.16, phpmyAdmin , database server 5.6.35


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