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[Closed] So many ad accout registered in my forum!

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Registrations are handled by WORDPRESS and not wpForo. wpForo just provides a "form" for ease.

Install some login/register/bot protection or security plugin. This is not a wpForo issue by any means.

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@dimalifragis I have installed the QuickEmailVerification plugin,and captcha for the bot. But I can not stop them, seems they are not a bot, real people using the real email address to register my forum for an ad?! I have no idea why there are so many ad accounts every day. 

Anyone can help?


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I have similar issue but instead of long names, since about a month, they enter spam data in description field. Do you know if it is possible to unable description field?


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Just install the plugin Anti-spam by CleanTalk and your problems should disappear immediately

Keep it in conjunction with whatever other stuff you already have including Akismet if you have it or any other as well as the Captcha - Recaptcha

It should be possible to disable the description field but try that plugin before and see how it goes

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@jesus I am using the Akismet Anti-Spam. But nothing change. Am I missing anything?

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First make sure your website is protected against spam:

Then you can disable the About (description) field using this code:

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We use reCAPTCHA + Akismet + Anti Spam by CleanTalk (paid). This trio stops 99% of spam. Only human spam can post a topic in our forum. Maximum 1-2 spam post per day, and all those topics and posts become unapproved automatically, so nobody sees their spam topics. We remove them (delete user with all content) manually.

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@robert  Ok, My Akismet Anti-Spam is created by Automattic. not by Clean Talk.

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@robert  Do you mean that Akismet + Anti Spam by CleanTalk (paid) is Akismet Anti-Spam is created by Automattic+Anti Spam by CleanTalk (paid)? 

Or only Anti-Spam by CleanTalk?

They block the spam, can they block the register?

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All of them Kevin

I personally, so far, im trying CleanTalk free BUT i will not hesitate the paid versión if it was needed

I downloaded the free versión and so far I have not even had a request to upgrade to the paid version and it worked immediately with me from minute one upon installing said plugin

On my case has even stopped the registrations

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@jesus  I need the real user to register.

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