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[Closed] This discussion page looks ugly

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I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. Actually, I would like to highlight (threaded layout) that gradual decrease in size of the reply box and pushing reply box  to the right after every reply doesn't seem eye pleasing. Rather it looks ugly. Also it leaves large amount of extra blank space.

Isn't it possible to keep the replied boxes (only) of same size?

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If your forum wrapper is small, just set maximum 1 or 2 the Nesting Level in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Topics & Posts admin page. Documentation:



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Posts: 78

Thank you for the information. But what if I (or any community member) wish to keep all reply box of similar size?

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Posts: 10583

Hi @writetoyogen,

Please update your forum to 1.6.1 version and set the "Threaded Layout – Replies Nesting Levels Deep" option 0 again. So you will see all replies come with the same width (this option was not working on 1.6.0). You can set less nesting level, for example 2-3.


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I like it but there needs to be an 'Add topic' button at the top of the entire widget...where the 'unread posts' thing is.
Is this possible to do?   

So people from the forum homepage press one button and can immediately post.

Rather than now it just sits inside the forum that is 'threaded', but not others that are 'extended', 'simplified' or 'Q&A'.

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Posts: 10583

This is a good idea. We may add a widget with [Add Topic] button in near future releases.