Jul 20, 2018 10:13 am
I have installed Wpforo Wordpress Plugin.
My Problem is:
When I go to add Topic. If I put topic Content texts more than 8 words then I get 403 pages.
How I solve it?
My forum is: http://forum.horje.com/
3 Replies
Jul 20, 2018 5:25 pm
Hi rakib,
Could you please update the URL, it doesn't work.
Jul 22, 2018 5:45 pm
When I go to post topic then I get 403 or 404 page after clicking on add topic button.
It is caused when I try to write something many words.
Please see the screen shots I attached on.
Tell me the solutions.
Remember ! This problem are not causing for all topic. In some cases it is happening.
Jul 24, 2018 9:01 pm
I'm sorry but I couldn't find any issue. Please leave an exact URL which goes to 404 page.