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New Feature [Closed] What is the next big surprise in WPforo?

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I would like to see the ajax autorefresh that can be set in the wpForo sidebar widgets extended the Recent Posts page. It very easy to make a code snippet for that function and I have done so but perhaps it would be better as a core function and setting for board owners who are not well versed in writing their own code.

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@verek If the widgets could support shortcodes, that will solve the issue. But they do not.

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Not sure what shortcodes have to do with the request I posted?

Since an update or two ago the wpForo sidebar widgets do now have an option to set an autorefresh time in seconds. I want that function extended to the Recent Posts page natively (where about 90% of my members sit all day). I accomplished this with an easy snippet but users/admins get lost when talking about custom coding snippets so baked in code that can be set in the dashboard would be the way to go for these admins/users. 

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@verek Right, i somehow missunderstood that post of yours 🙂

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Posted by: @verek

I want that function extended to the Recent Posts

Yes 100% agree with this. It would be a good feature 

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Posts: 522


In code snippets create a new snippet with this code to run on the front-end only. Naming and tags is up to you

add_action( 'wp_head', function () { ?>
jQuery(function($) {
setInterval(function($) {
jQuery("div.wpforo-recent-content.wpfr-topics").load(location.href+" div.wpforo-recent-content.wpfr-topics>*","");
}, 120000);
} );

The timing (120000) is in milliseconds, thus set for 2 minutes, adjust that number to suit your needs. 

If the function gets baked into wpForo core then you can disable/delete the snippet


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