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[Closed] Will Weekly Forum Digest come to wpForo v2?

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Dear wpForo team / @robert,

This is something that has been asked for for some years now here in the forums and I know in wpForo v1 it would not really be possible to implement it, so... hopefully this has been taken into consideration as a (possible) future feature whilst redeveloping for wpForo v2.

Will weekly digest mails come to wpForo v2?

And will it then also be possible to disable all notification mails to all users (except to admins and moderators) completely? And of course, PM's still have to be sent as normal.

The reasons are quite simpel for me:

  1. I don't want to (potentially) overload my users with tons of notification mails, causing them to block all mails.
  2. I don't want to sent a zillion notification mails from the forum to keep costs at a minimum with the smtp provider we use.
  3. I do want the users to be notified on responses to their active topics on a weekly basis and about new topics on a weekly basis as well so they stay involved / active. 

I run a non-profit website/forum with close to a 1000 users and loads of topics so the amount of notification mails adds up real quickly as they almost all subscribe to every single topic and post due to the nature of the forum topic.
So I ended up disabling all notification mails to the users all together but I'm okay with taking the costs on my for weekly digest mails as those numbers are then withing nice boundaries.

If this has to become an add-on then that is fine to me as well.

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Posted by: @golabs

Will weekly digest mails come to wpForo v2?

No, this will not come  with v2 core. This will be developed as addon. We'll add lots of options to this addon for sure. So you'll be able to control all sending emails. We'll start new addons development once all issues with the new v2 version are solved, probably in a month.


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@robert sounds good to me, thanks for the update and having this as a add-on makes perfect sense to me due to the time it will take to develop.

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@robert Hello, I am curious as to whether this digest feature or something similar will be available for use on wpForo.

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@robert When will a digest feature come as an add-on to wpforo?