I seem to be running into some difficulties with WP Super Cache, and I wonder if others have seen something similar or if it's some misconfiguration at my end (quite possible). The issue is that all forum pages are stale for non logged-in users, and the stale cache files aren't being deleted.
Yes, I've done that... but I think it might be a good idea to mention that somewhere in the documentation. For instance, there's another forum topic here from a few years ago where wpForo admins claim it works fine with WPSC.
While caching plugins and wpForo are a no-go, i doubt session issues come from that.
It wasn't causing session issues that I noticed. I'm really just saying that, following on from what Tutrix said, I think others could easily make the same mistake in thinking wpForo works with third-party caching software, so I'd suggest the FAQ post could helpfully be added to the documentation.