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[Closed] wpForo Translations

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First - thanks for this great extension for the bad core, but still is best forum so far 🙂 It's a d**n easy to be configured and used by any level of wp users. Just wanna see some more documentation about template system


Regarding translations:

Download and install WordPress somewhere on your hosting, on subdomain, lets say

From Plugins > Add plugin search and install Loco Translate  ( and activate it

From WP Admin sidebar, pick Loco Translate/Plugins - pick wpForo and create your language files, no need to use translate.wordpress.somewhere (most of you probably don't like to translate with bots which are using bots to translate).

Once the translation is done, download xx-XX.po and with your FTP Client (Filezilla probably) from /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-language and upload them to your live wp site.


My translation is done with Loco and few friends already works with Bulgarian language (which will not be available as free download for a while).

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Thank you Stefan

However I'd also recommend wpForo documentation:

wpForo can be translated with different methods. And please note, the translation files should be  wpforo-xx_XX.po and

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they are, otherwise - wont show anything in Cyrillic...

Still since you are here, can you tell me why there (in docs) is nothing about installing new language files trough XML ?  I'm wondering how can I prepare my digital download with install script, so the language files can be installed trough forum administration, like the Joomla installer ? 

Or this XML is something else ?

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XML matrix is not complete yet, so we don't recommend to use it at the moment. Also if some phrase is missing you may get JS errors on front-end. wpForo phrase system is designed for quick translation through dashboard, just edit and change the phrase. But it's not recommended to import new language XML, this is currently under improvement. We'll add it in doc once this become stable.

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@robert still not an option? Anyway i cant find the xml sample for the file to use so that i can use phrases. (i only see english now)

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Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums >Settings > General admin page, find the "XML Based Language" click on "Add New" button to add the new language in the select box.

More info here:

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@alvina comon, i need the sample xml to translate, not the configuration location.

Thank you though.

Are there any xmls to start with?


Anyway, i just translated the english phrases into my language so that i have the forum content translated.. seems like a bad approach, but hey.. it works for me


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wpForo uses PO and MO files to manage translations. wpForo includes a language file (wpforo.pot file) which contains all of the English text. You can find this language file inside the plugin folder in wpforo/wpf-languages/ directory. The wpforo.pot file can be imported into PoEdit to translate.

More info here:

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Ok, then can u disable it in 1.1.2, it's just messy. If something is not fully implemented, then should not be visible at all (that's my point of view).

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