Feb 05, 2020 11:33 am
Okey! and did you know why i see "parrafo" instead of "11pt" (or similar)? Thanks!!
Feb 05, 2020 3:04 pm
Done! But did you know how to change "parrafo" to 11pt or similar? 🙂
Feb 05, 2020 4:33 pm
Hi @fernando,
I recommend disable all plugins, delete all caches and check the editor. This problem comes from some plugin affection. Please do that, then activate those plugins one by one and check after each activation so you can find the problem maker plugin. It's better to find the conflict maker plugin instead of trying to fix via CSS.
This way of debuting and fixing will fix the "parrafo" problem too.
Feb 05, 2020 8:15 pm
I'll try thanks!
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