I am running wpForo 2.4.0
BuddyPress plugin installed is the latest version 14.1.0
My wpForo Settings>Member Profile>Profile Page is set to 'BuddyPress'
Description of problem:
During a wordpress debug I receive the below debug report output, repeated a number of times on page loads.
My wpForo Settings>Member Profile>Profile Page is set to 'BuddyPress'
Debug report:
Deprecated: Function bp_core_get_user_domain is deprecated since version 12.0.0! Use bp_members_get_user_url() instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085
Deprecated: Function bp_core_get_username is deprecated since version 12.0.0! Use bp_members_get_user_slug() instead. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085
Deprecated: Function bp_get_root_domain is deprecated since version 12.0.0! Use bp_get_root_url() instead. in wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085
Conclusion / Fix
Possibly the error is due to deprecated buddypress code in the wpForo BuddyPressHooks.php?
As a temporary fix, installing and activating BPClassic 1.4.0 removes the errors.
Longer term, is there a plan to remove the wpForo deprecated code enabling me to remove BuddyPress Classic?
We'll check and get back to you soon.
We'll try to replace the bp_core_get_user_domain() function with the bp_members_get_user_url() in the next version of the wpForo plugin (no ETA yet).