@sophy I am also having a problem with the new update. At first it was just the menu for the forum and for the forum address in the menu of my whole site was off, fixed that by putting in a custom menu URL for the forum, but now the main home page of the forum is not visible to users, only the right sidebar. Can you help with this?
Hi @jeanne,
Please update to the 1.7.6 and provide your forum URL. I think you put a wrong home menu. Make sure all caches are deleted after the update.
I did the update. My Forum URL is https://www.jeannemayell.com/community/ I had to change this menu address because right after the previous update, the old URL for the forum did not work. I deleted the caches after the update: 1. deleted all WPforo caches in the dashboard, and ran optimizer.
The problem is that guests can not see the forum.
Still not fixed.
hI Robert, This is strange because it doesn't work for me when logged out, and it doesn't work for my developer who is in Delhi. I also will reach out to forum members but most are asleep right now.
Thanks. It is now working on my phone but not on desktop so I think that it is cache and it will just take time to fix. I will check back in a few hours. Thank you for updating the plugin again so quicklyand for all of your help. Best to you!