Hey guys,
I'm really happy with my current forum set up. But I wondered if 5 sec. considered to be a normal time from the moment you click on the replay until the reply is submitted? During that time I see the wheel in the top right corner spinning and spinning, which doesn't happen in this forum at all.
I'll appreciate your feedback.
Hi @beyondforce,
This is a delay from email sending process. When you reply wpForo sends email notification to all users who are subscribed to that forum, to that topic and to the user who is mentioned in your reply. So you search the problem in email sending solutions you have. Maybe your hosting server email server doesn't work fast or you have a plugin which affects the email sending process speed. Or maybe the email sending functions doesn't work at all on your hosting service. Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Debug > Problems & Issues Tab and check the errors.
I don't see a reply with a video or not to have anything to do with emails out (smtp). It is the same notification.
But emails out could slow you down. Also gmail for smtp? Not a good idea.
A url could help but this seems more a hosting/setup problem, than wpForo or Wordpress.
UNLESS you have some fatal error and you do not know it. Enable Wordpress debug to a log and check.
Edit: if your site is: https://te**eg.com then you have a huge ammount of JS and other errors. Press F12 and check and fix them. _could_ be the source of your problems (still enable debug to a log).
Something is wrong on your website or in hosting service. This is not wpForo problem for sure and in 99% it's still email sending issue. Disabling most of the plugins is not a solution. It would be more helpful if you disable all other plugins. Please let us know this info too:
1. What hosting service you use? Please provide PHP and MySQL version.
2. Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Debug and check Server, Tables and Error & Issues Tabs, if you see any problem please let us know.
3. Check error.log files in file system on root directory of your website and in /wp-admin/ directory.
4. Please leave your forum URL