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Wonderful, thanks Tutrix you're a star.

By the way, I lost my wise chat at the top of the forum that you helped me with last week. Can I use all the code you gave me that I added to the old version, so it will appear again? Is it all compatible with V2?

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Posted by: @cmw14

Is it all compatible with V2?

Yes, everything works also with wpforo V2

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Just wanted to say a big thank you to all that pitched in to help. It's been a nightmare few days, first with me trying to clone an 52GB site. Burning the candle at both ends and the heatwave we've been having, culminated in a monumental mistake by me this afternoon. Upgrading the live when I thought I was upgrading the clone, that could have ended an 11-year project, which was what sent me into a panic.

However, fate has been kind, today, the gods were on my side. Thanks due to the helpful folk here calming my panic, and ultimately the quality of the wpforo software which seems to have handled the upgrade perfectly fine, and I seem to have zero bugs.

Wpforo developers and community testers, thank you, for without all your hard work, I doubt it would have been so pain free.

I'm off to lie down in a dark, cool room with a beer,

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@cmw14 All that stress (yours) could be totally be avoided by having a daily backup. Hosters that provide services without a backup service MUST BE AVOIDED totally. Blacklisted.

I have restored customer's backup after a fail so many times, takes me 5-10 minutes. On a 10$ per month plan, a cheap one that is.

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@dimalifragis My hosts are a nightmare, I feel like an abused customer. They never fix my problems. I'm often left trying to fathom myself.

They only provide daily "File" backup, not Database. If you want a database recovery they charge, last time it was over £60 and all they did was leave a zip file on the server. I then had to restore myself, I've never done that before. I tried it through cpanel, but it complained it was too large and needed to be done from a shell. I'd no idea how to do this so asked them to do it, again another charge.

They also screwed me on my package, told me I had 500GB of storage which I do, I've used 52GB of it, so you would think I have loads of room for growth. No, they have a number of files limit 262,000 to be precise. My site is an electronics technical site, we provide data and help with vintage repairs. As a result, I've used 192,500 of that file allocation, so my storage shows up at almost 75% used, even though I have 500GB. I complained, and they said nothing I can do as I'm on their top shared hosting package and the next step is dedicated server, which I cannot afford as I would need a managed solution with a dedicated server. I would move hosts, but all that entails scares me to death, so I soldier on with the abusers.

I could go on, and on, with horror stories. Although based in Europe the support is offshore.


you mentioned putting my forum offline, how and where, is that a setting new to V2 as it wasn't in V1.

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Of course this upgrade would come when I was fishing in Alaska and not paying close attention....

Grrrrrrr... love inovation but sometimes I just like things that just work and leave them alone.

We tried to go back but now can't get our sidebar to show up.

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