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[Closed] 2.0.x: Notifications truncated

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a minor problem: notifications for users who subscribed to a topic are truncated, and I cannot find the place where to change this, documentation for this art is still under construction. 

Could anyone help out with a hint?

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Hi @berndg,

Can you provide an example screenshot?

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@chris Hi, thanks for caring. Please find the attached screenshot, it ends with the three dots in the notification-mail, but the text is longer.

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can't log in your website. Fix that and let me know.

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@chris How can I send you the credentials? Or you simple register with a username and password.

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Surely the notification email is supposed to be truncated? Otherwise it's theoretically possible to receive an 8000 word post in the email....

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@verek Thanks, very helpful. Was not that way before in 1.9.x.

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Don't recall the notices being the full post in 1.9.x.

Have you tried the [post_body] short code in settings?

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@verek I tried both, post_body and topic_body. Did not see any difference, unfortunately.

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Solution by inserting the code in Themes functions.php file

Add the below code at the end(bottom) of the current active theme functions.php file

Option one: open functions.php file from wp-content > themes > current active theme.

Option Two: Go to Dashboard > Appearance Theme File Editor, select Theme Functions(functions.php) file from Theme Files Bar.

Please mention that the code can be lost after updating or changing the theme.

add_filter( 'wpforo_email_notification_post_body_length', function(){ return 0; } );

Use 0 for disabling the limits of the symbols or Limit the symbols with positive number(example 100)

Solution by using Code Snippets Plugin

  1. Install and Activate Code Snippets plugin
  2. Go to Dashboard > Snippets > Add New.
  3. Insert the code in code field:
  4. Select Run snippet everywhere Radio and save the snippet.

Check that the new created snippet is active from Dashboard > Snippets > All Snippets.

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Posts: 243

@chris Hi, thanks for caring. Snippet is ready and waiting for a testmail to come 😎