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After php 8.2 migration wopforo is stuck and not going to other link

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Here is their change log of litespeed cache 

6.1 – Feb 5 2024

🌱Database New Clear Orphaned Post Meta optimizer function.

Image Optimize Fixed possible PHP warning for WP requests library response.

Image Optimize Unlocked noabort to all async tasks to avoid image optimization timeout. (Peter Wells)

Image Optimize Fixed an issue where images weren’t being pulled with older versions of WordPress. (PR#608)

Image Optimize Improved exception handling when node server cert expire.

🐞Image Optimize The failed to pull images due to 404 expiry will now be able to send the request again.

Crawler CLI will now be able to force crawling even if a crawl was recently initiated within the plugin GUI.

Page Optimize Fixed a dynamic property creation warning in PHP8. (PR#606)

Page Optimize Fixed an issue where getimagesize could cause page optimization to fail. (PR#607)

Tag Fixed an array to string conversion warning. (PR#604)

Object Cache Return false to prevent PHP warning when Redis fails to set a value. (PR#612)

Cache Tag Fixed an issue where $wp_query is null when getting cache tags. (PR#589)


Can you find any conflict 

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