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[Closed] After V2 upgrade, many things are not working.

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For those of you that have never had to do this without WP prompting you to update.

I have updated my two wpForo addons via the following process:

1. Go to gVectors website and log on

2. Review your Downloads

3. On each purchased license there is now a download button for the v3 of each addon. Click on them to download the ZIP file for each to your PC.

4. Back to your WP dashboard; go to Plugins >> Installed Plugins.

5. Click on Add New

6. Click on Upload Plugin

7. Choose the ZIP file on your PC and follow the instructions.

The addons are now working with wpForo v2.

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Two issues left unresolved at this point:

  • Loss of the wpForo sidebar (I think this included tags, search, etc. functionality - but I honestly don't remember what all was in there); I am expecting the update to v2.0.3 to fix this.
  • Why do all the topics in my forum show as NEW for me, when none of them should. Perhaps v2.0.3 will fix this also; if not, how would I set all topics to READ status by me without visiting them all? Comments?
    • Note: when viewing the forum, it shows ALL topics as NEW for me. But when I search for UNREAD POSTS via the link at the top right, it only shows 4 topics as unread by me. Both of which are incorrect as prior to the v2 upgrade, none were unread by me.
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@jeffjjones does the "Mark All As Read" feature at the bottom of your forum page doesn't work for you?

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Posted by: @realact

does the "Mark All As Read" feature at the bottom of your forum page doesn't work for you?

Thx @realact.

The obvious answer is that I was unaware of such a link at the bottom. I tried it and indeed it has correctly reset. 

Was this an unforeseen consequence of upgrading to wpForo v2? I am sure I am going to get this same question from several hundred of my customers/users now if all are going to suffer from this problem.

Might there be anyway to clear this or correctly reset to pre-v2 values for all users in the forum?

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@jeffjjones glad it helped.

I doubt it that all your users will have the same issue as this was probably some cookie issue particular to you and your browsing etc. 

I'm sorry I'm unaware of any way to trigger this for all your forum members, however if it comes to that you may always create a sticky topic explaining it. Or even a notice on top of your forum page. WPForo has a feature to do just that.

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