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[Solved] Bugs in log

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while we are still debugging our slowed down forum (with first success, getting better), I found some errors obviously induced bei WPForo in the error log. Maybe someone could explain what is behind this? There are more then these 25 lines, but that should be enough, I guess.

Thanks, Bernd


[17-Mar-2023 19:02:38 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:02:41 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:02:44 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:02:54 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:03:02 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 433
[17-Mar-2023 19:03:02 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 433
[17-Mar-2023 19:03:03 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:03:11 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:05:21 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 433
[17-Mar-2023 19:05:21 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 433
[17-Mar-2023 19:05:21 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:05:26 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 433
[17-Mar-2023 19:05:26 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 433
[17-Mar-2023 19:05:26 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:09:17 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 433
[17-Mar-2023 19:09:17 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:09:19 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 433
[17-Mar-2023 19:09:19 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:12:36 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:15:56 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:17:39 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:18:57 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:20:01 UTC] PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, int given in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1464
[17-Mar-2023 19:20:14 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574
[17-Mar-2023 19:20:56 UTC] PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /usr/local/www/apache24/noexec/ on line 1574

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Same issue as here:

in two different places. But that was fatal.

This is a WARNING, not fatal.


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Hi @berndg,

wpForo has this kind of phrases with % sign. Example

Currently viewing this topic %s %s %s.

If you translate this kind of phrases, the %s or %d should not be changed, and the count should not decrease, if the original has 3 %s %s %s the translation should have 3 as well. No more, no less.

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@chris Thanks for caring. I am not aware that I touched those anywhere, too much respect. Where did you see wrongfully altered phrases, and what can I do against if a mistake had happened? For security reasons I do not want to get stuck with pHp 7.4 ...

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Please run this SQL with PhpMyAdmin to bring the phrases back to default:

UPDATE `wp_wpforo_phrases` SET `phrase_value` = `phrase_key`

The Red wp is the prefix, change it as it is in your DB.

Then Delete the phrase Cache and all caches.

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@chris Thanks again for caring! I guess, then all translations are gone then? Is it for sure, that this solves the problem with updating to pHp 8.0 / 8.1? This means days of work to redo all translations ...

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Check on a test website before doing on the Live one.

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@chris Thanks for caring. I'm happy to set up a staging server and try it out there. But I can also read the command as is and assume 99.5% that this resets ALL phrases and I have to redo the entire translation. As it happens, though, I don't do the forum and site as a hobby, but my live site is then linguistically shot and I then have to redo the translations in an absolute hurry at night in addition to the day job.

I am dissatisfied with the support in this case. Let's sum it up:

- I have the problem that under pHp 8.0 / 8.1. only for single posts the sidebar disappears (2nd thread followed here now, for whatever reason).

- You got an access to our backend and then came with the message that we should not change the "%s or %d " in translation as reason for the problem

- I wrote back that we have not touched these abbreviations. Which can't exclude, since there are humans working here, that it might not have happened accidentally in a single case.

- Obviously, after your inspection in our backend, you noticed an incorrectly modified phrase string, which should then trigger the disappearance of the sidebar under pHp 8.0 / 8.1. I can't interpret your advice any other way - but then it would be nice to know which string is affected, because you should have seen it. At the moment I don't have the time to erase all translations on suspicion and then sit there afterwards with the same problem.

Grateful for any information, Bernd

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We didn't find the phrase with wrong translation, but find out that the problem comes from changing the phrases that… 

If resetting the Phrases is not an option, go to the phrases page, press CTRL F to open the search bar, inset % in the field, and check all the phrases that have % symbol original and the translation so you can find the needed phrases.

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@chris Thanks for the good idea and sorry for the delay, too much COVID around here, slows you down.

Though it was not possible to search specially for " % ", I went through all strings in less then 45 minutes and can present the culprit, that made the sidebar disappear in pHp 8.0 / 8.1, but not in 7.4, for whatever reason:

String-ID 545. During translation, "%s %s %s" was obviously pasted twice.

I re-inserted it again for test and could reproduce the error reliable.

I noticed other things, but they didn't trigger any errors, just for completeness. In the first 350 or so strings, the character " ' " (e.g. in don't) was always preceded by a backslash. Later not, several were without. No idea if this bothers, but while I'm at it ...

Forum seems to run smoothly with 8.1, but there is no traffic now at night, we will see more tomorrow.

Thanks again for caring,

Yours, Bernd

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Hi Chris,

unfortunately, this thread is not yet at rest, as I had hoped. And unfortunately it gets a bit ... stranger.

I then ran the forum with pHp 8.1. The first complaint that came from users was that on a single old thread, none of the very numerous replies were visible. I checked some of these publicly invisible replies in the backend to see if anyone had put any special characters in there, but negative. Was only observable on this one thread, but it's not impossible that others could be affected.

This I could still reproduce on my system. But then several users came with the complaints that they could not reply to certain posts or that they could not scroll further and certainly not reply after a certain point in a thread. But: on my system this could not be traced, here everything looked and worked normally.

I did a roll back to 7.4 and all these problems were gone. I will now first go through the translations again, just to be on the safe side, to see if I missed something - then I would get back to you. If you have ideas where I should look before I would be grateful for any hint.

Yours, Bernd

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@chris As announced, I went through the phrases again. In one place there is something conspicuous: Phrase 1072 shows the text "WPFORO ADVANCED ATTACHMENT" in a font that differs from the other fonts. When I open this phrase for editing, an i class definition appears there that seems incomplete.

I have documented this on the screenshot, please take a look.

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Go to your DB, find _wpforo_phrases table, search for that phrase and delete it.

Not sure if it's a plugin or your theme that has affected on phrases, but that must be deleted.

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@chris Thanks again for caring. I deleted that strange phrase, unfortunately it did not have any effect on the problem. What I also saw was an empty phrase string, is there a thinkable effect there?

Yours, Bernd

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Provide Screenshot please.

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@chris Getting weirder and weirder ... 1072 was the ID of the phrases-string I just deleted in the database table. Now, it comes up like on the screenshot. If I open it to edit there is nothing, completely empty.

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@chris And here is the empty string I was originally looking for.

If I go on edit it simply shows "<p>"


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We don't face the issue on the front. About the phrases you can now ignore them as the problem with %s, %d, you fixed.

For now, please recreate the issue on the front with PHP new version, and introduce us with screenshots or video in a new Topic.


This topic going too much and it's better to start with a new one with clean description of the issues with screenshot.

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As I wrote, I rolled back to 7.4. The problems don't appear with pHp 7.4 as I wrote. They appear with 8.1. So, of course you cannot face them now.

As I wrote too, tell me when you have time to look at it, and I will switch from 7.4. to 8.1, so that the following things will happen for you to see:

– users are complaining, that on at least one thread answers are not visible – and the sidebar does not show in these cases. Another thread is here. To clarify: You can not see this now, because I rolled back the system to 7.4., it is live.

I haven't found any other threads with the problem so far, but with the high number of posts I can't rule out that there may still be one or two.

The problem that we already solved together is that this same phenomenon occurred in ALL threads. We fixed it together by correcting an obviously corrupt phrase. Now it only occurs on some threads. Which doesn't make it any easier, I'm afraid.

So, that would be the summary of the remaining problems from the now admittedly long thread. Do you still need a new thread now?

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Ok, we got you. No need for new topic.

For now, please change to PHP 8.1 and let it like that for 36 hours, so we could check those post answers and the Sidebar.

Also, please provide screenshot with the issues so we could compare them with what we get if needed.

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@chris Dear Chris, our system is live, as I wrote several times. I will be spammed with support-request if I leave it in that state for one and a half day. Could we please make a more precise appointment?

I thought I had described the problem in detail, but below you will find the screenshots, of course. Once with replies to the source post and sidebar under pHp 7.4, once without sidebar and without replies under pHp 8.1.

Btw: GVectors offers an excellent plugin to drag and drop attachments into a post 😎 . You can also insert multiple deteies with the plugin, and I wouldn't have had to create a post for the second screenshot.

One of the files you will find therefore in a second post.

Yours, Bernd


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Please Enable WordPress Debug.

Enable Debug Mode from wpForo > Settings > General Settings.

Provide a screenshot of the problem post, but make sure that the full page is visible in the screenshot from top to end.

Please provide cPanal access, so the Dev can change the PHP version to do the needed tests, and change back after finishing the work. This is the most optimal way, to do all the tests, without leaving your website on PHP 8.1 for long time.

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@chris I saw you coming in and switched immediately to 8.1. The site is running on 8.1 since you entered the site.

Rest to follow, thanks for caring.

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@chris A recent phenomenon: I made a posting for the members to explain that we are debugging. After creating it, it looked normal, then I had to correct a typo - and after that, the buttons below the text field disappeared, so I couldn't correct it again.

Here we go:

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Fixed the problem, the issue was that you had a translated phrase with wrong %s. We found one, but you need to check all the phrases with %s/%d, so you wont face the same issue.

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@chris Thanks a lot for your support! I will go through the phrases again!