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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Can't I Just COMPLETELY Get Rid of Categories???

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I don't want categories. They're driving me crazy, and I'm starting to get a little angry at this thing. 

I created a forum called "General Discussion" under the default "Main Category". I noticed the name "Main Category" and tried things like switching to the simple layout to try to get rid of it. No dice. So, I gave in and renamed it to something appropriate for our web site. 

Now I'm noticing that the URL for the General Discussion forum is /community/main-forum/. How do I fix this? Can't I just get rid of all this category business and just have a list of forums on my forum page and when you click a forum see /community/forum-name, like /community/general-discussion/??? 

What am I doing wrong here?



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Hi GinaTheAdmin,

Categories are the main separators of forum list. Also categories control forums layout and other things. There is no way to turn of categories. You can manage names and URLs very easy. You just need to spend a few minutes in wpForo Documentation. Changing category and forum URL is very easy:

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I guess I can tolerate the category. I just named it "forums" and it looks okay! 

I  didn't put 2 and 2 together and click that it was the slug section that I was after, even though I had seen it in the documentation. Duh! Then when you said it it made total sense. It would be easier if slug was enabled by default. I would have looked at at the properties for that forum, spotted the "main-forum" and realized that that was my problem and it had nothing to do with the category organization.  😉 

Again, thanks so much, Robert! I'm going to leave a good review for wpForo. Aside from the slug issue (which was not that severe an issue), I found it super easy to set up and use. I love the sidebar and how well it works with my theme.


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Thank you Gina