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[Closed] Contribution counter not stable

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we have a weird problem with the contribution counter. Users complain that their counter suddenly shows zero, control by us: True.

I update the user statistics, everything is fine again, counter is correct. But ... the next day the game starts all over again.

Has anyone had this before, is there a fix for it?

Thanks for support, Bernd

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It seems you've not excluded profile pages from the WP Rocket cache plugin you use. If the forum page slug is forums-uebersicht, then you should do the following:

  1. Please navigate in Dashboard to WP Rocket > Advanced Rules Tab
  2. Scroll down to "Never cache (URLs)" option
  3. Insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) one per line with wildcard (.*) in the option textarea:
  4. Save it and delete all caches.


Then purge all caches.

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Posts: 243

@robert Hi Robert,

thanks for the very quick response. This is what I already had excluded in WPRocket:


I'll try to add /forums-uebersicht/(.*) as will, but this an extrapage, the URL for the forum-page is community, that was already excluded. I will report 🙂 

Yours, Bernd

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Please specify the page where you see the statistic issue.

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@robert For example this member reported the issue:

But since last refresh it's still ok, I'll watch it if it happens again.

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@robert Here we go - set to zero again, should I refresh it or should I wait?

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@robert Now it's changing behaviour, deleting and refreshing does not help anymore, it shows zero, stubborn.

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@robert Hi Robert,

no answer to my still persisting problem, while I have to write one support-mail after the other, because the members want to have their counter ...

Last answer was on September 21, I would really appreciate help with this problem. The counter ist stuck now totally, new screenshot attached.

Yours, Bernd



What I already did several times:

• refreshing user-stats

• deleting user-cache

• sync userprofile

• deleting all caches

• clean up

• refreshing forums stats

• refreshing topic stats

• deleting cache in browser before every check


The forum page ist excluded from WP Rocket



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Hi @berndg,

wpForo doesn't have user statistic counting issue. This is a site specific problem and even the hosting specific issue. i think the database has inside cache. We could check this issue and help you if we have admin access to dashboard. In this case, we could install phpMyAdmin plugin and check your database. You can send admin login details to support[at] email address.

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@robert Thanks for caring so fast, I sent the credentials to the adress you gave. In terms of database we did not change anything for a long time, in terms of other plugins there were of course some maintenance updates meanwhile. 

The problem started after one of the updates of 2.0.0 to 2.0.x – which can of course be a coincidental correlation and need not be causality.

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@robert Hi Robert, I sent the credentials to support[at] email address as requested. The answer was:

Hi Bernd,
Robert only works in support forum, he doesn't have any relation to the email support. We'll check the issue and let you know if there is any solution.

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Yes, it's correct. The requests via email are supported by Martin and Paul. I'm only working here at wpForo Support forum.