Sep 20, 2022 7:43 pm
we have a weird problem with the contribution counter. Users complain that their counter suddenly shows zero, control by us: True.
I update the user statistics, everything is fine again, counter is correct. But ... the next day the game starts all over again.
Has anyone had this before, is there a fix for it?
Thanks for support, Bernd
11 Replies
Sep 20, 2022 7:57 pm
It seems you've not excluded profile pages from the WP Rocket cache plugin you use. If the forum page slug is forums-uebersicht, then you should do the following:
- Please navigate in Dashboard to WP Rocket > Advanced Rules Tab
- Scroll down to "Never cache (URLs)" option
- Insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) one per line with wildcard (.*) in the option textarea:
/forums-uebersicht/(.*) /participant/(.*) /sign-up/(.*) /sign-in/(.*) /change-password/(.*)
- Save it and delete all caches.
Then purge all caches.