Hi all, Can someone help me with one thing. Under my registration section http://irska.ie/community/?wpforo=signup everything is messed up. You can see that Password fields are different and not normal like Username and Email. How can I fix this? I didn't change anything, and I even tried to reinstall but same issue.
All right when I disable option "Enable User Registration email confirmation" under settings new Password and Confirm Password options show up, original ones from forum, but my question is why do I have other ones there and how to remove them.
You can see here http://irska.ie/forum/?wpforo=signup
All right, I have found what's the issue. If anyone else facing something similar in future below is what cause it.
For me this problem was caused by another login editor LoginPress - Customizing the WordPress Login
So I just disable it and that's it, everything worked like a charm 😀