I like how the subforums list looks in the threaded layout but I don't like having the topics threaded on the front page. Is there a way to get the subforums list to look like that on the simplified layout and not have the topics threaded?
If not, maybe at least a css code to make the subforum titles larger larger would help.
Edit: Okay I found this https://wpforo.com/docs/root/forum-themes/theme-customization/
So would I copy the topic.php from the simplified folder and put it in threaded to not have the topics show on front page? Or maybe there's a subforum thing that can be moved from the threaded theme to the simplified theme?
Hi @pluggercat,
Try to create custom post list layout in upgrade safe way.
1. Create /wpforo/ folder in your current active theme folder.
2. Create /layouts/ folder in /wpforo/ folder
3. Create /4/ folder in /wpforo/layouts/ folder
4. Then copy simplified layout post template file ( posts.php ) to this /wpforo/layouts/4/ folder. You can find the template file in /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-themes/classic/layouts/2/ directory.
Thank you. I'm new to wordpress as well as the forum so just want to verify I have this right before messing with files.
I have wp/wp-content/themes and WPFORO/wp-content/themes/
The active theme is in the latter so I create WPFORO/wp-content/themes/activetheme/wpforo/layouts/4/
And then just copy posts.php into that.
Sorry, I just want to be sure I don't make a stupid mistake