Robert, i'm sorry but i have no idea how to do all that. Db i not my field.
Also why do i have all those problems.
Not sure what i will do, this is apparently getting very complicated for me to handle. With no reason.
Robert i see here
that this specific problem bugs me for ages. Not sure why it cant go way, but i would like to get rid of it permantly. Can i ?
Robert can i Drop the wp_wpforo_subscribes table (i don't care about subscriptions settings lost), Deactivate wpforo plugin and Delete it. And reinstall it. I guess wp_wpforo_subscribes table will be recreated if missing as new.
Will that solve my problem completely ? (index and dups)
Yes, it would fix the problem. Just deactivate wpForo (don't delete plugin), then drop wp_wpforo_subscribes table and activate wpForo.
Thank you, i did it.
I hope my errors are solved. I have some phobias towards DB errors.