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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Editing existing posts impossible even with full admin rights over the entire forum

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I migrated from Phpbb 3.2.2 using Go2wpForo 2.1.3 without any error message or apparent glitches. The imported data retained its structure (10 forums, 341 topics, 730 messages, 164 members). The only thing I was able to identify that was not moved from Phpbb to wpForo was the format of the posts itself, where items such as bullets were lost. This was not a priority issue with me, as I was concerned with preserving data. 

I am logged into wpForo with full admin rights, yet I am unable to edit existing posts. I read several threads discussing related issues in this forum, and used them as check-list to ensure all my configuration allows editing. Yet I am sure a solution exists to this problem of mine and I am still trying to find what it is. Once I do identify the problem, I will report it here. In the mean time, I'll use this thread to regroup useful readings:

  • Editing/Deleting Replies. This thread led me to double-check that my admin rights did indeed include absolutely every right as it should, including the right to edit topics, replies. own topics, and own replies.  
  • I can't edit my own replies. This thread led me to check that all the settings mentioned in it were properly configured within wpForo, namely under Forum­ > Settings > Topics & Posts: Allow Edit Own Topic = 0, so that there would be no time limit to the right of editing one's own topic. This setting made sense in order to ensure that my older posts were not disqualified from editing on that basis. But even as admin I can't edit.
  • Edit post time limits - not working. This article made me wonder if the problem did not lie there. So I checked the WordPress and wpForo versions currently in use, and they are both more recent than the problem reported and resolved in that thread: I' running WordPress 5.7.1 and wpForo 1.9.6. This led me to wonder if the problem could not be related to the importing itself, something between Phpbb & Go2wpForo?

Here is a link to Forum chrétien la Rencontre, or click on the link below my signature and then choose Forum from its main menu, both accesses will lead you to the live instance of my wpForo install as it stands now.

Thank you for developing and maintaining wpForo and to the people behind  the Go2wpForo migration tool, and above all, thank you for any input anyone can provide on the issue I am trying to resolve right now. 

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Solution found: My AMP plugin was in "Standard" mode. When I reconfigured it to "Transitional" mode, I became able, as Admin, to edit any posts, recent or old, by myself or anyone. Again, thank you for this great forum plugin.