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[Closed] email subscription button label

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how can I change button text ?

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Hi @marm,

wpForo phrases can be changed from Dashboard > wpForo > Phrases admin page. 

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Great, but it seams a translation issue. Phrases are traslated. Can I stop the automatic translation ?

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what automatic translation are you talking about? wpForo doesnt have such option.

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Phrases admin page shows all phrase in English but the button appers with a phrase badly translated in Italian. I'm really surpraised and do not know how to correct this. Thats why I mention the automatic translation showing "Sottoscrivi per le nuovi argomenti" 

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If you want to translate wpForo fully, you should use Loco Translate Plugin for that, The plugin already has wpForo translations in many languages, some fully translated.

If you need to translate only the “button” find the Phrase in Phrases Page, press edit, then in the translation field, change the phrase to Italian. And that's all.

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this is a really great support team. I tried to leave a review but didn't find the right spot. Could you please send a link. Tx

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