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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Embedded forum possible?

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I haven't tested your forum yet, but I have heard about it a lot. From what I have red and seen all over the Web, your products seems to have a nice future.

But I wonder if your Wordpress plugin give us the possibility to embedded a forum in each article, in order to have a dedicated forum for a dedicated post, in the same URL.

This is like mandatory for me. I have actually a premium plugin, Q&A based, which does this but I'm bored to fight with some CSS issues/accesibility issue.

My question is then simple : do you already give us the possibility to embedded a dedicated forum for the selected articles? Or do you plan to add this? If yes, when?

Kind regards.

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Thank you Mooks,

I may understand you wrong, but wpForo has shortcodes, you can put load any forum in any page (not sure with posts)

Just put it under article text. Make sure the "Output Buffer" is enabled in Forums > Settings > Features admin page.


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Hmmm, allright, this seems to be what I need but I have to test it first. It seems that's it's only supported on page (when I want it to be inserted on post)... And I wonder what will happen after the click of a thread (the URL will change totally, and i'll lost probably my submenu related to the article).

Well, i'm gonna test it. Thank you for the answer.

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After installation, and some minutes of test, I can say the forum embedded perfectly into my website, without any CSS issue, which is a good point.

Unfortunately, as expected, even if the shortcode works properly, the problem is that if a visitor click on a thread, he will be automatically redirected to the default forum location, like a link. Which means a new single-forum.php loaded.

What i expected (when using the shortcode to embed a category/forum in a post) was to navigate in the section like in a iFrame (I hate iFrame, and it's not good for SEO, but it's how I expected it to work. When clicking on a thread, the visitor shouldn't be redirected in the single-forum.php template, in order to keep the original location even if you go deep in the forum. This can be done with some ajax solution maybe, or with queries at the end of the URL?)

The use I'll have with your forum plugin is to have one forum dedicated to each product. And that's why i expect to don't have such redirect after the click on a thread, because it will lost the template and the submenu which links all my related articles together : for each products, I have the product post, the news post, and the forum post, which are linked together by a submenu.

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Hi Mooks,

I understand you, but it's very hard to implement. wpForo has no option to do this. Forum should have many base URLs to be able work like that. We'll think around this, I'll update this topic once I got some news for you. In the meantime you can search for threaded comment plugins, our wpDiscuz and WooDiscuz are also good for this.