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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Enabling/Disabling "Display Usergroup under Post Author Avatar" bug

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Hello πŸ™‚ !

I believe I found a little bug about an option in the setting panel. It's about the "Display Usergroup under Post Author Avatar" option (woocommerce integration).

As @robert mentioned in this postΒ , when we enable this option for the differents Usergroups, a "Shop Account" link appear here. The enabling function is working like a charm (screenshot).
However, when I disabled it (for testing purpose) by unchecking every checkbox, the "Forum Profile|Shop Account" link did not disappear (screenshot). I had to disable the Woocommerce plugin to make it disappear, which is not desirable and inconvenient .

Could you check this enabling/disabling issue for this option please ?

Thank you for your hard work ! Wp-foro is still the best for me πŸ˜‰

P.S.Β I'm using the last version of wp-foro with default settings.Β 

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Hi @initx,

The Usergroup setting you're talking about has no any relation to "Site Profile" button. The Usergroup setting is designed to display Usergroup under post author avatar:

The "Site Profile" button has no any settings. it's automatically displayed once wpForo detects WooComemrce plugin.

Posts: 11
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Joined: 7 years ago

Oh I understand now, thank you for the information Robert πŸ˜‰ .

Have a nice day ~