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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] FaceBook login not working on phones with 2 sites.

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First I need to give credit were it is due,,,WPForo is bar far the best FREE forums wp software money can not buy. It is even better than most paid forums. 

Second I was not sure where  to post this.

My question: we have 2 sites N.S.T. MODEL and the other WorldBettas with both using wpforo as the forms software and FB login. And users are not able to us facebook on phones to log in. So it they create a account on a computer and then try to use a phone to log in NO DICE....FAIL.

We checked it on several android vrs. and a few apple phones all with same results. Computers seem to work. But neither site have very many widgets yet.  We rebuilt the app on FB and did a clean install also all with same results.  

The second is not a issue but is there a way after we figure out how to get it working on phones to make the login with facebook a little bigger and more easy for a new user to see? (just a wish and not important) 

Logging in with FB is just about a needed standard now days...So having it work on phone and computer would be helpful...We tested a few other FB log in on another site and they do work but again when adding the wpforo the computer side worked and the phone side did not?

Any info on this would be helpful guys....

Thank you!

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So, just to make sure it was not a API issue or a site issue on my side we tried 3 other facebook apps....You will notice that if you go to  you will see we added the other plugin to the top and it functions fine. Is there a way to remove the FB app from wpforo and just replace it with this app as it can be seen from all devices where for some reason woforo can not be see in android with either our clean site or the NSTMODEL site that is being used for the largest betta fish show in Thailand 😉  Lot's of people will have cell phones at the show...




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Could you please use the Facebook login button on our website with the same phones?

So, just to make sure it was not a API issue or a site issue on my side we tried 3 other facebook apps....You will notice that if you go to  you will see we added the other plugin to the top and it functions fine. Is there a way to remove the FB app from wpforo and just replace it with this app as it can be seen from all devices where for some reason woforo can not be see in android with either our clean site or the NSTMODEL site that is being used for the largest betta fish show in Thailand 😉  Lot's of people will have cell phones at the show...

I see lots of Facebook api and JS lis are loaded on the same page. This can bring tons of conflicts and issue. Please disable wpForo FB login button and SDK in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > API's admin page. Delete all caches and press Ctrl+F5 to load clean JS files. The top FB login button works fine, you can use that.

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HAHAH, Robert you know your site always works...You are a pro....But, I really like the wpforo and how it redirects and such for users....I did what you said and am just using the other plugin for now for FB login....How can we figure out why on 2 sites we have the same no show on cell phones issue...The NSTMODEL is more important right now...I think it is something easy but we are lost on a lot of code stuff...

Using wpforo like it looks out of the box would be nice...But if it will not do the FB login on either theme for phones then I guess we have no choice but to use any of the other FB login plugins or the API from facebook. HMMMM


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Ok, I see. But the only reason why I ask you to check it on our website is comparing your website customization with a clean native wpForo. Here at you see clean native wpForo without any customization, without lots of plugins and with a neutral theme. So this is the real wpForo. Noting is changed, nothing is boosted and nothing is customized here.  Our website is just a place where you can see the real non affected, non-conflicted wpForo. So, I want to know whether the issues you're mentioning are a result of your website plugins, theme and other customization or not.

If you see the same issue here at wpForo then this is a wpForo core issue, if not, then his is a conflict with some plugin or with some configuration of your website. This is the start debugging point.

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Please try this small CSS code. Put it in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles > Custom CSS Code Textarea. Save it delete all caches, do Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end. Then test it on other mobile devices. Because mobile browsers have a hard cache, you'll not be able see the change immediately.

.fb_iframe_widget iframe {
position: relative!important;

Also please don't use Private Session of mobile browsers. Facebook doesn't allow use Login Button on private sessions, it doesn't allow use Cookies so make sure you use regular (default) mode of mobile browser.