Hello, I am having an issue getting the "continue with facebook button" to show on the register/login page on mobile. I'm using Chrome mobile browser. It works fine on my desktop computer (chrome browser). I tested the register page on this website using my mobile, and it appears fine. So, there has to be an issue with my theme or something. Would you be able to help me figure it out? my forum url is:
thanks for any help you can provide.
Hi jon,
I'm sorry but we have no access to your forum to be able check theme conflicts.
It doesn't show for me on that site either.
I'm using chrome browser (63.0.3239.111) on android 7.0.
I ended up trying out bbpress so I disabled wpforo on my site. I will enable it back this evening and let you know when it's enabled.
Please wait for 3-5 sec when you open the login page. Facebook Button needs 2-5 sec to be loaded. It may take more on some devices. We can't guarantee this button will work on all devices because this is not our API, this is FB API and we don't know all device depended issues. At the moment it works fine on all our phones and browsers. Example:
Please follow to this topic too:
It's definitely something with my website and not Facebook API. I can see the Facebook login Button on this forum when i go-to login, but not on mine.
I tested with LG, Samsung and HTC all android and it doesn't show the login for any of them.
I tested an iphone x and it shows on there.
I'm guessing you're using the most up to date wpforo plugin that's available through wordpress plugin directory? If we are using the same version.. Then it has to be some conflict with my plugins. I will report back if i figure it out.