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New Feature [Closed] Feature request: Place the search option to a separate page

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I I search inside wpForo, I will be forwared to the page with the search results. For example to here for a seach about "Hein".

On that page, I see initiately a form for the options of the search.

But I done the search to see the results of it. To see them, I have to scroll down on every search, since I have a small display only.

So I prefer to see the search results immediately.

I like the handling of Google: It shows the search phrase first, followed by a link to change the search options. After that, I see the search results. So I can see them without scrolling.

The same handling I wish for wpForo too. I believe, Google investigated a lot of time and money to find out, what the most users want and they are very successful. So maybe their handling will be prefered by a lot of users of wpForo too.

Until now, in 95% of my own searches in wpForo, I didn't change any search option. So in that cases, the initial shown search options bothered me. Maybe there are more people like me...

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Hi @hein,

The search page URL is this. This is a separate page and you don't have to call some search phrase to open it:

https:// /forum-path/ ?foro=search


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Yes, I know. But I believe, you didn't take enough time to understand what I tried to suggest to you. Maybe you are not interested to get feature request. I accept this.

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Ok, the title of your topic says a bit different thing. In any case there is no easy way to do this now. You may want to customize the search.php file of wpForo templates if you have some HTML/PHP skills.

And, yes, the forum search UX and working functions will be totally improved in the future middle versions. Your suggestion is also taken under consideration.

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Posted by: @robert

the title of your topic says a bit different thing

Always other people are making mistakes only. You never, indeed. 😉

Posted by: @robert

there is no easy way to do this now.

After you showed to, how I can do this, I tried. And it was easy.

I attached my suggestion for an implementation and two screen shot for it. On the first one, you see what happens immediately on searching: There is only the input field for the search phrase. But there is a second button for the "advanced options". If you click on it, you can see the additonal options.

Can you see the few changes with a mergin program, or should I offer them to you as a picture to show you, it's really some few changes only?

If you don't like suggestion it's Ok for me too.

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Ok, thank you for the suggestion. We'll add this in our to-do list for the future releases, it may require some UI/UX changes.

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Posted by: @robert

it may require some UI/UX changes

... take a look to the great search engines like Google, Bing, etc. They are knowing, what people want.