Search result for: Hein
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# | Post Title | Result Info | Date | User | Forum |
Feature request: Place the search option to a separate page | 30 Relevance | 4 years ago | Hein | How-to and Troubleshooting | |
I I search inside wpForo, I will be forwared to the page with the search results. For example to here for a seach about "Hein". On that page, I see initiately a form for the options of the search. But I done the search to see the results of it. To see them, I have to scroll down on every search, since I have a small display only. So I prefer to see the search results immediately. I like the handling of Google: It shows the search phrase first, followed by a link to change the search options. After that, I see the search results. So I can see them without scrolling. The same handling I wish for wpForo too. I believe, Google investigated a lot of time and money to find out, what the most users want and they are very successful. So maybe their handling will be prefered by a lot of users of wpForo too. Until now, in 95% of my own searches in wpForo, I didn't change any search option. So in that cases, the initial shown search options bothered me. Maybe there are more people like me... | |||||
RE: Feature request: Place the search option to a separate page | 15 Relevance | 4 years ago | Robert | How-to and Troubleshooting | |
@hein, Ok, thank you for the suggestion. We'll add this in our to-do list for the future releases, it may require some UI/UX changes. | |||||
RE: Feature request: Place the search option to a separate page | 15 Relevance | 4 years ago | Robert | How-to and Troubleshooting | |
@hein, Ok, the title of your topic says a bit different thing. In any case there is no easy way to do this now. You may want to customize the search.php file of wpForo templates if you have some HTML/PHP skills. Forum template files: How to customize: And, yes, the forum search UX and working functions will be totally improved in the future middle versions. Your suggestion is also taken under consideration. | |||||
RE: Feature request: Place the search option to a separate page | 15 Relevance | 4 years ago | Robert | How-to and Troubleshooting | |
Hi @hein, The search page URL is this. This is a separate page and you don't have to call some search phrase to open it: https:// /forum-path/ ?foro=search | |||||
RE: Please add old values for edit filters | 15 Relevance | 4 years ago | Alvina | How-to and Troubleshooting | |
Hi @hein, Yes, you are right. This will be added in the near future releases. | |||||
ältere Mitbürger und WPForo | 0 Relevance | 5 months ago | pooll | How-to and Troubleshooting | |
Hallo an alle,ich bin peter und über 70 Jahre alt. Habe Tage lang "Häufig gestellte Fragen" von 1 bis zur Nummer 49 gelesen.Bemühe mich seit Tagen eine Forum Seite mit Menu im Gange zu bringen.Leider ohne Erfolg. Die Anleitungen sind gut beschrieben. Für unsältere doch ein bisschen schwer zu verstehen. Eine Videoanleitung für ("Dummies")ersten Schritte wäre für uns ältere wahrscheinlich hilfreich. Auf der Art, schritt für schritt.Wir sind ja alle bemüht, die hervorragende Erklärung und Anleitung,so zu verstehen, aber manchmal will der Geist nicht so wieman es sich wünscht.So, jetzt zum Schluss, wie können ältere Mitbürger das hervorragendePlugin "WPForo" besser verstehen und eventuell selbst einrichten. gruß an alle pooll | |||||
Notification links going to chron | 0 Relevance | 10 months ago | themegroup | How-to and Troubleshooting | |
Hi there. We've got a strange glitch where the notification emails that come through to say we've had a message / had a reply to a post etc has a Join The Discussion link that, instead of taking you to the forum, takes you to a chron link - And asks you to login even if you're logged in, and upon logging in you get taken to a blank page. This has only just started happening and nothing has changed on our site in terms of settings. Not sure if it's related to a plugin update or something? Anyone seen this issue before? Cheers, Nick. | |||||
Slow site | 0 Relevance | 11 months ago | themegroup | How-to and Troubleshooting | |
Hi there. Our site is running really slowly despite only having 60 forum members in total, and a handful actually posting in it. It was fine when launched, so I suspect it's something where we've added members over time, but none of the forum topics I've found seem to resolve it (or are so old they mention settings that don't seem to exist any more. I gave you access a while back - it's - can you see if anything stands out? We're also using Ultimate Member, don't know if that may also be to blame? Cheers, Nick | |||||
RE: WpForo with Cloudflare | 0 Relevance | 1 year ago | Forum User | General Discussions | |
So expect for using DNS services from Cloudflare there aint no greater good in it for wpForo. So the way we exclude pages from cacheing plugins we do the same on Cloudflare as well. | |||||
RE: Slovak forum, after actualization dont work - please HELP | 0 Relevance | 2 years ago | Jaroslav-Lachky | How-to and Troubleshooting | |
@robert @chris Hello, I just want to update, that I contact my web provider and web support, which is provider here in Czech-Slovakia, where I have my web hosting, etc., and they check my wordpress site and told me, that any of my actual plugin is not cache (no caching plugin). Also my web dont have any cacheing, so I now dont know how to continued. Any suggestion will be great. Meanwhile, I try create another forum page, just to be sure...I create new page with slug "community" and also change slug and ID in board default forum, but it is the same problem. Everything is check, and it seems to me, that something in that kinde of new version is "fighting" on my site, because old version wpforo was working well, without problem for almost three years. Thanks in advance |
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