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Finding Private Topics later

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If I create a topic and make it "Private" how do I find the post later? I don't see the post in my user activity. 

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Posts: 5085
Support Team
Joined: 7 years ago


You can navigate to the 'Recent Posts' section and find the 'Private Topics' in the dropdown list.

Please refer to the attached video below.

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Posts: 60

@sofy If Private Topics are not in the dropdown does that mean I don't have any Private Topics? I might have not submitted my question, so I wanted to confirm.

Joined: 7 years ago

Support Team
Posts: 5085


It's possible that you don't have permission to view the private topic, so the menu item isn't displayed. Try checking as a high-level user to see if it appears. 

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Posts: 60

@sofy To clarify, I'm asking about private topics as a user in this support forum, not my own forum. I think I opened a support topic as private and now I can't find it. Before I repost I wanted to confirm. 

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Posts: 5085


You can find your topics on the Activity page:

The private topic menu item is missing for you since you don't have permission to view private topics.

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Posts: 60

@sofy That was my initial issue. How do I find MY private topics? If I posted a support question and mark it as private, how do I find support's answer?

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@sison2466 @sofy 

This is a bug in wpForo. You as the topic starter should be able to see your own Private Topic but you currently you cannot.

I don't know which incremental update did it but one them broke the permission logic with regard to this because the topic starter used to able to see their own private topics only.

It also does not show in one's activity feed.

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Posts: 60

@verek That makes sense. That is why I was confused.

@sofy I can ask my question again unless you have a suggestion to find my previous private topic. 
