Apr 08, 2018 4:31 pm
The forum is not showing up on the /community/ page. I am using Divi from Elegant Themes on a site that is a sub-site in a WP network.
1. Are there known clashes with Divi?
2. Does wpforo work in a WordPress network install?
Or maybe it's something else?
2 Replies
Apr 08, 2018 4:37 pm
Just fixed it!
I had to go into Divi visual builder and save the page. Must be an issue with Divi.
Sorry to bother!
Apr 09, 2018 6:48 pm
Thank you sceotan for sharing this information.
Please note, when you install wpForo, it creates a page for forum. But this page doesn't include all settings of your theme. So it's always recommended to edit wpForo page, check all theme issues and save it.