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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] wpForo Font management on Divi theme

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Thanks for wpforo it is a great plugin as are the add ons I have purchased.

There seems to be a basic problem though with font management.

Fonts are a fundamental design consideration, and the basic ingredient of a forum. 

I was very surprised to find no support for font management is the style or themes of  wpforo.

I hope a user friendly option is added to wpforo so we can keep a cohesive look to our site.

( I seem to have some weird robot font- which I don't want and is hard to read- what's going on there?)


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Actually the weirdest thing is that when the forum page loads, it seems to have the correct font ( matching the site theme) for a second and then switched to this weird robot font. Wt? Can anyone explain what might be happening , I have no other font management gong on other than the parent site's  Divi theme.

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OK I fixed it,  beat you to it. 

So here's the thing , double edged sword , or 'word' I should say.

People using Divi actually  do have the option to easily customise the wpforo fonts, it's just not using the Visual Builder ( Divi's excellent Wysiwyg interface). Just go back to the old fashion  Divi Builder and there are options for font overrides. Yay.

I know this ended up being a Divi issue and not wpforo, but as it only shows up on wpforo pages, then to the user... it is.

So tell any Divi users, they have a great option to change fonts for wpforo just use the page editor. 😎 


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Hi Motrope,

Thank you very much for sharing this information.