I did one more test. Now I registered a "user" with other email.
First thing wrong its by default the new user was set as admin instead registered user.
And now, the registred users cant see the forum, but guests can.
ADMIN: can see default forum and new forums created after instalation
REGISTERED: can see only new forunms created after instalation
VISITORS (not logged in): can see only default forum
This plugin is doing a mess.
Just to check I tried other forum plugins and all the others worked.
Something is basically wrong on your WP, wpForo doesn't have any issue mentioned here. All are something strange and extra-ordinal. I think problems come from your WordPress user role configuration. This is not the wpForo and this is not the way wpForo work. Please send admin login details to support[at]gvectors.com email address. Our team will check your website as soon as possible.
Something is basically wrong on your WP, wpForo doesn't have any issue mentioned here. All are something strange and extra-ordinal. I think problems come from your WordPress user role configuration. This is not the wpForo and this is not the way wpForo work. Please send admin login details to support[at]gvectors.com email address. Our team will check your website as soon as possible.
Perfect! Sending now...
Hi Tiago
I'm sorry but your website is not support-able. It has lots of problems and issues. You need fix your website before using wpForo. It logouts current login user every 1-5 min, even if you work in dashboard. It opens the same page first time but not second time. Nothing works stable. The session of your WordPress doesn't work, when you're on front-end it logs you out and you don't even know about that, so when you check wpForo topic or member as admin you don't know that it has logged you out when you open second page and currently you are guest. This is the reason why you think admin doesn't have access. You're not logged in and you're not admin. Be attentive and you'll see what I mean.
- Please disable all plugins, your website is very heavy and problemfull.
- Delete all cache and activate plugins one by one and test 10-20 min after each plugin activation. Find the one which cause the logout issue.
- Check all error.log files in through FTP on root directory and in /wp-admin/ directory, it says the plugin file which generates the error. I think you got lots of error on each page load and they affects on WP session and cookies.
- Never set a simple Subscribe as Forum Admin (Usergroup). This is not correct. Admin should have Administrator Role in WP. Subscriber can be Registered, Customer and Moderator, but not Admin.
- Keep eyes on the top black admin bar when you check wpForo. Make sure you're still logged in when you check something. Your website logouts you on every new page or on every second page.
BTW wpForo works find if you're logged in. You just need to make sure you're logged in and the session is not crashed at the testing moment. All issues come from non-stable session.