I'm sorry, but the warning was there.
Believe me it is easy to update to wpForo 2.0 if you keep the following rues, so let's stay on 2.0 and finish the update.
1. Just let me know the current state, what is your wpForo version and whether all addons are disabled or not?
2. Do you have the old wpForo 1.9 template files customized in your current active WordPress theme? If so, please save them in some place and delete the /wpforo/ folder from your WP theme folder /wp-content/themes/your-active-thme/.
3. All 1.x.x and 2.x.x version of wpForo addons should be deactivated and removed, you should download and install new 3.0.x version of addons
Let's go thought the three steps above and continue...
Just let me know the status.
Ok... I took a few hours and pushed the update.....and I can say...
I'm impressed.