How-to and Troubleshooting
Nov 12, 2022 2:31 pm
Hello, please how can change the green icon solved, to a green icon with word solved inside.
The green icon for people who is new to the forum, or visitors not have a lot of sense duet not show nothing until you hover with mouse.
On my forum I do a lot of support, will be great to show word solved instead of green icon not said nothing.
Duet is support of a commercial product show to new users and visitors all stuff solved is a good way to show, the compromise with customers.
The default circular icon really not said nothing, where a word solved inside a icon will be a lot more useful.
1 Reply
Nov 12, 2022 3:22 pm
Ok, here my auto reply lol.
I fix this with a little of CSS
Take a look how more useful this can be than a icon!
.fa-check-circle::before { font-size: 16px !important; font-family: "Inter Var", Times, serif !important; color: #61ff93 !important; content: "FIXED" !important; }