I have been testing several question and answer scripts and forum be it Xenforo, Flarum, Discourse, DWQA, Question2Answer. What caught my attention is different layouts. As I have a working knowledge of Question2Answer I have a question for you.
How is WpForo different than Question2Answer in terms of core functions?
I am truly serious in creating a community for my website.
Hi @writetoyogen,
wpForo Q&A layout is under active development.
In near future we're going to add these important features:
- Question sorting by date, answers, votes, etc...
- Answers automatic sorting by number of votes and "is answer" mark.
- Automatic search during question (topic title) typing, to avoid question duplication.
- UI/UX changing in Answer and Comment posting to avoid posting Answers instead of comments
- Admin tool to change an answer to the comment and vice versa
In general wpForo has many unique features and features. You should install and go through all settings to see them, it's hard to list them all here.
At the moment wpForo Q&A layout works like standard forum, only the layout and answer voting system is different from the standard forums. Also it has built in user ranking system based on answers and comments.
We're going to add those in wpForoΒ plugin core.Β