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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] How to avoid random page URL defaulting to Forum login page?

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Additionally, I just logged in as a test user and I suddenly only see one forum category, when in fact there are several categories in which people can post topics. See attached a screenshot of what I see as a test user.

Any chance that I can provide you via email with admin access so that we can finally get this forum working as it is supposed to?

Thank you for your patience.

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Please follow this f*g topic:

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Thank you Alvina. When registering for the forum, I feature as a "Registered" User and I am not able to see all the forum topics - only one. 

I have read the FAQ above but it has not helped in this case (Since a new user cannot change their Primary Usergroup).

The only way I found is to manually assign a newly registered user to the desired usergroup in order for them to see the entire forum. Is this possible?


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Hi Alvina, I am waiting to email all our users confirming that our foro works fine and that they can register without issues and view the topics and post in the foro. Are you able to indicate what needs to change so that any new sign up or existing user is able to login, view, and post in the forum?



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When registering for the forum, I feature as a "Registered" User and I am not able to see all the forum topics - only one. Is there a way that a newly registered user can automatically be added to a certain usergroup which then allows them to see the entire forum? Thank you

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I apologize for the late response.

Please make sure the standard access is set a certain group for all forums, based on hierarchy. For example, if you set the Standart Access for the child forum, but in the parent forum Accesses is different, you'll not be able to see the child forum, because of you don't have permission to see the parent forum. So please check to make sure the accesses are the same in the child and parent forum. See the screenshot below:

In case if everything is correct and you'll continue doesn't see the forums, that means there is a cache issue.

In this case please exclude the wpForo pages from the cache plugin and check again.

Also please read the following FAQ topic about wpForo and Cache Plugins:

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I also see that in Safari, Version 13.1 (14609., on the foro sign in page ( a box appears "prove your humanity" with an equasion to resolve (but you cannot type into the box). This message does not appear in Chrome for example. How can I avoid the box showing up? See screenshot please.

Thank you very much for your support!

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The math CAPTCHA is not wpForo CAPTCHA.

Please disable that plugin, that's a separate plugin which adds math CAPTCHA to wpForo Login form. Just go to Dashboard > Plugins admin page and disable all plugin which adds reCAPTCHA or CAPTCHA. 

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Thank you very much @alvina

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Hello, for some reason I am unable to access the wpforo login page. I can no longer see our forum. This is the original link: which now only leads to a password protected page. Is this due to a plugin update perhaps? Are you able to provide the correct forum login URL? Thanks

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This is a screenshot of the settings of the forum base url in the general forum section.

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You've done some incorrect configuration in your membership plugin, or the page is simply set password protected. In any case, the issue doesn't have any relation to wpForo. You should know better why this page has become password protected. wpForo doesn't have such feature, this is either WordPress or some paid membership plugin feature.

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Thanks @Robert, yes the page is password protected intentionally through WordPress since the beginning and there have not been issues to access the forum login page or forum register page. The issue is not that the page has suddenly become password protected but that it does not display the forum login page anymore. What can I do to resolve this or worst case, copy the existing forum over to another page that is not password protected? Thanks

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Are you using wpForo ogin page? If so it's not possible to show it over the password protection. The wpForo login page is the same forum page, so it's hidden under the password protection form.

If your login page is not the wpForo page, then I have no idea. You should contact to the login page provider plugin support.

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