I've enable meta title and SEO Tags in the WPforo parameters.
But I don't find how to define a cannonical url for one particular topic. Could You indicate me were I can define the canonical url for each forum topics/discussion ?
Thank You very much.
Please note that the canonical URL is automatically defined by wpForo SEO tags. Please refer to the attached screenshot for clarification.
Hello, thank You for your feedback. I read already the article but I would like to know if I can define manually a cannonical url for each topic to another page of my website.
Exemple :
- A topic is created by a member : "What are the best hostels in Los Angeles"
- But I already have an article on my website : " The 5 best hostels in Los Angeles"
Basically, The forum topic will have a negative SEO impact by generating cannibalization. To avoid this I would like to know if I have to :
- Delate the topic via moderation and indicate to the membre that he could read my article : It is I thinck very brutal but would avaoid a SEO suicide.
- Define my article manually as cannonical for this forum topic : I thinck it would be wonderfull to be able to do that : Good experience for the member + Potentially good advice in the topic that I can use to update my article.
Is it possible ?
Already answered here:
Please note that the canonical URL is automatically defined by wpForo SEO tags.
Ok, but can I define one specific tag to one article and then to configure this tag to define the canonical rule for the article ?