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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] How to export forum to another website

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All wpForo tables have _wpforo_ secondory prefix.

If you don't migrate options, you should install wpForo on new website. After installation delete all tabes with _wpforo_ secondary prefix and import migrated wpforo tables. That will be enough. You'll lost some configurations in settings but you can do that again manually.

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Posts: 4

Hi @Robert . My issue looks similar to the one above. 

How do I connect or transfer the forum content that was on the Go Daddy hosted site to my new site hosted on WP engine?

Hi, I recently migrated my word press site from being hosted on Go Daddy to being hosted on WP Engine. I did this by cloning the site to the WP Engine hosting on a different domain to test things out. At this point the forums still work. Then I turned off the Go Daddy hosted site and changed the web address to use the WP Engine hosted site. Now my forums page lists all of the topics and post but when you click on any of them I get an error saying there is nothing there.

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Thanks a lot!
I'll give it a shot on my local machine first.

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