I am using the "Condition" feature in Elementor Pro to show a different header (Logo image with text inside) according if I am on the blog or the forum.
No issue with the blog. I can use the condition to set a french header for the french blog version and an English header for the English blog version. I use Elementor Pro and WPML with the attribute /?lang=en
For the Forum, I have 2 URLs:
- French: https://xxx.com/community/ (Default Language)
- English: https://xxx.com/community_en/
In the WordPress admin panel in admin pages, I see only the default one, and I know I can't use WPML to translate it with the attribute: /?lang=en
So how can I set and different header if I am on the french and the English forum?
Up the request. I need support.
The question is for Header and footer.
I add something.
Is it normal to have the same "page id " for 2 different forums?
I just noticed it.
It's weird.
I created a new forum, "Forum test," and got the same "page id." Check on the screenshot.
Maybe, it explains why I don't have a page in WordPress for my forum in English?
How can I figure it out without breaking my forums and SEO?
Thanks, @Tutrix, your workaround works.
But I am still confused. Is it normal to have the same page id? I tried to change the number, but I got a 404 error on my forum page in English.
Worst, I can't design the English page as I want. I inherit the parameters of the page in French. For example, I have my posts in French and not English on the sidebar.
Thank for the support